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منتديات الاوائل

جميع المجالات
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 لتسجيل فيديو الكاميرا للي بتكلمه في الياهو وصورته

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


عدد المساهمات : 231
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/02/2009
العمر : 35

لتسجيل فيديو الكاميرا للي بتكلمه في الياهو وصورته Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: لتسجيل فيديو الكاميرا للي بتكلمه في الياهو وصورته   لتسجيل فيديو الكاميرا للي بتكلمه في الياهو وصورته Icon_minitimeالإثنين 2 مارس - 17:04

لتسجيل فيديو الكاميرا للي بتكلمه في الياهو وصورته 2634920370101464132S600x600Q85
لتسجيل فيديو الكاميرا للي بتكلمه في الياهو وصورته 2230138370101464132S600x600Q85
لتسجيل فيديو الكاميرا للي بتكلمه في الياهو وصورته 2503744650101464132S600x600Q85

Here's why oRipa Yahoo Webcam Recorder is the ultimate webcam recorder for Yahoo Messenger

1. Work with Yahoo Messenger 6.0 and the above versions.
2. Real time record Yahoo webcam with optional sound recording (e.g. audio from microphone)---You can record any webcam streams (e.g. the fun movies broadcasted in webcam by your chat partner as well as the video conversations, etc.)
3. Real time compress your recorded videos (DivX compatible) during recording --- use this function to get a smaller file size of your output videos so there is no need to worry your hard disk space is not enough for your video files when you record for a long time!
4. Save recorded videos into AVI format files---you can use any player (e.g. Real, Windows Media Player, etc.) you have to play the recorded video.
5. You can minimize or hide the Yahoo Messenger window while recording.---That means You can browse other web pages and no need to let your Yahoo webcam window always on the front web page.
6. Easy to use!---You just start/stop recording with a click from the icon menu. No need to know about the recording knowledge.
7. Other cool features you would prefer: adjustable FPS and frame size (for you to adjust your output video quality) and user defined save-to directory.


1. Run oRipa Yahoo Webcam Recorder as the Yahoo webcam is connected.
2. Choose the directory you would like to save your video (e.g. save your video to the desktop).
3. Press the record button at the bottom right of the software when you would like to start recording Yahoo webcam.
4. Press the stop button at the bottom right of the software to stop recording. You will see your video is saved in your preset directory (e.g. desktop).

When oRipa Yahoo Webcam Recorder is running and the webcam is connected, the icon at the bottom right of the pc will blink. As you press the record button in the software, this icon will speed up blinking, which means the program is recording the webcam streams. The icon will slow down when you stop recording, and will disappear when the webcam is disconnected.

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لتسجيل فيديو الكاميرا للي بتكلمه في الياهو وصورته
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